Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Is Coming

 Welcome Spring Birding

The snow is melted and the field is flooded. We had a lot of snow this winter, but it melted after each blizzard. I was surprised when I woke up last week to see water standing in the back field. It had rained all night and the ditches were filled to the brim.

The birds didn't care. As long as Sharon and I keep the feed coming they will continue to grace us with their presence. It's been a hard winter for them also. We went through about 210 pounds of our personal blend of mixed seed, and 20 pounds of thistle. Our suet loving birds ate about 18 pounds of natural suet and twelve pounds of commercial suit cakes. Of course they loved Sharon's homemade bacon, crunchy peanut butter, and yellow corn meal cakes. She kept them coming as long as I ate the bacon. "Love Bacon".

This blog is going to be about our garden, our bird sanctuary and a little bit of us. We enjoy bird watching, especially when we can stay at home and watch the action. Of course we'll also go on the road, from time-to-time. We are retired but we both still are active. I teach, run a publishing business, am an artist and author. Sharon was a professional artist and still dabbles in the arts.
See you in the back yard, watching birds!

 Some photographs

 The top picture is a March storm, looking out of our living room window. The ice is coming down from the roof and my wife took the photograph.

The picture at the right is from our back window. Yes, we have monster windmills around out home. We'll talk about them later.

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